Can I just say my favorite part of this blog is searching through pictures of hot men in their underwear. God DAMN this guy is hot! I guess I am setting you all up for disappointment when you finally see my picture today, but oh well. I’ve got to keep the troops happy while we are waiting for Crappy Hour to post.
What would look better than this guys shorts crumpled up on your bedroom floor? Um, at the moment nothing, but in the meantime enjoy a dose of Wonkette Shorts:
- Everyone's favorite elfin king dropped out of the prez race today. Homofascist is sad he won't be able to vote for him in the primary again. I guess it is a good thing he can go home and bury his face in that sweet red snatch.
- I mean, seriously people. She has a tongue stud. Do you know how good a blowjob from someone with a tongue stud feels?
- Oh well. At least he is the only person with the balls to actually try to hold the prez and vice prez accountable for their war crimes. Sorry San Fran Lefty, but your precious Nancy Pelosi just can't take the time out of shopping for unfashionable white pants and heels to have the same kind of backbone.
- The motherfucking Republican losers had some kind of speaking thing tonight. Your generalissimo was too busy drinking red wine and writing evil shit about Ken Layne to pay attention, but some of your comrades did. Enjoy.
On Tim Gunn's last trip to DC, he called Nancy Pelosi a "Fashion Beacon on the Hill"....
Don't forget to dial it back one notch on the Ken Layne missive. It doesn't take much to go from snarky and good to overblown and totally ineffective, you know. Fine line. Remember the Cindyists. Tread carefully, sir.
Also: care for Megan and Jim's future employment possibilities are required. If I have anything to say about it. And I don't.
Thank God. Turn that damn page already. I am tired of explaining to my wife why I am always commenting on a blog about men in underwear.
I agree with CB. We're curious, but we don't want to be paultardish and hateful.
Oh BTW, I'm totally amped for the Party.
People, people. Have faith.
@mw: i wholeheartedly agree.
hey HF, from now on, nude dudes only. thx.
HF-- please remember that we, in addition to being dizzy children, are also fickle little bitches.
Speaking of which: us breeders demand more female pix. Guys holding rolls of quarters stuffed down their shorts is actually somewhat boring.
Dude, don't expect me to defend Nancy's lack of spine on this shit. And I haven't defended (or voted for) DiFi in years.
Yeah, all she did was engineer an overthrow of the 12 year Gingrich Republican revolution out of the Tom Delay gerrymandered "permanent majority" - Then keep the Dems in Congress from pulling a 2008 electoral defeat from the jaws of victory with a quixotic tilt at impeachment windmills.
Sorry about the men in underwear. Fileunder's suggestion is pretty good. If it will make you happy, I have another beaver picture (to quoth The Big Lebowski) and another of a VERY sexy (mature) cougar coming up. But if you still don't like, go to google, type in pretty much any phrase with the word sexy, hit image search, and you will be knee deep in skanks in no time.
And CB, my brother. I would expect nothing expect nothing less than fickle bitchiness. I would be disappointed otherwise. The good thing is you get to see my picture soon, so you can be way more mean to me than I could ever hope to be to a certain editor-who-must-not-be-named.
...and another of a VERY sexy (mature) cougar coming up....
I love you, but if you drop a picture of MoDo on me, I'll do you for treason.
Just curious, Commandante - what are we missing with the deleted comments? spam? bile? both?
@chicago bureau:
"Guys holding rolls of quarters stuffed down their shorts is actually somewhat boring."
those are HALF-DOLLARS.
And worth half a million baby! Cha-ching!
That was actually my comment I deleted - logged into the wrong account.
P.S.: Hillz got pwned by Matt Lauer today on Not Yesterday Or Tomorrow. Photo with her and.... Tony Rezko!
The words you are looking for are "oh" and "snap".
Nah, there's no coins in my shorts in that picture. I woke up that morning with a swizzle stick in my pecker. It was a rough day. took forever to work the damned thing out.
He's certainly looking for something. A ferret, perhaps? The CD of Dreamgirls? Or maybe he's got an ache that won't go away. Unlike me.
whoo wee... can't stop... staring... at that picture... I wonder if that boy needs ... a hand.
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