A Votre Sante! I debated about running this pic just because I am not sure we can really declare victory. Of course, Bush really couldn't either so I guess it works. But Megan has picked up a few cool sounding gigs - check out her blog for details. Maybe we are on the right path. In that vein:
So a couple people whom you may know, Greg Wasserstrom and Megan Carpentier, are collaborating on a new blog that I think a lot of you will like. It is called Cynic’s Party, and it is sort of a “pull up your bitch pants and talk about the absurdity of politics and life” free-for-all. Hunter Walker from Gridskipper and HFA Comrade Blogenfreude will also contribute, as will yours truly. However, I will be writing under my slave name (more like my heterosexist name, but that really doesn’t have the same ring) Jason Cox. Nice to meet you. For those that caught the comment thread on HFA last night, I said you would love my last name. There is of course the more sophomoric humor of a gay man with the last name Cox (thank god my first name isn’t Harry), but I also like to think as I move onto something new I have a connection to another Cox many of you knew, Ana Marie. We are of no relation that I am aware, but I hope I carry on some of the same spirit as when she started Wonkette. And sorry my name isn’t really Jasm Felchengroper, although you have given me a great name should I ever need an anonymous alias again.
So visit me here, visit me there, send me an email to say hi. And thanks again for everything.
I must add, for those of you that will engage in the age old “I’d hit it” game, the picture over at Cynic’s Party in my bio is not super flattering. Let’s just say it was my 28th birthday & I was approaching the one year anniversary of my mother's death. Ouch. My boyfriend and I had been going out for a couple of months, and almost four years later he still hasn’t entirely forgiven me for that evening. If the stories are true, I can't say I blame him. So in that spirit, here is a slightly better pic of me in the city to where I will flee once Bush installs himself as supreme despot sometime in October. If I escape from the concentration camps of course.
Okey doke, from now on I'm calling you Harry.
Well played.
I like the other pic.
C U @ Cynic.
I expect to see more Fair & Balanced ™ treatment for the breeder minority over there.
You're cute, hen! How old are you now?
@moncrief 31. 32 in April (and yes I am an Aries. A classic Aries).
Mon dieu! Me, I'm looking forward to the homo concentration camp camp. I could skip the gym for a while thanks to all the forced labor, and plus I bet I could score a wicked tan. Hoorah!
Meanwhile, did you know that the "Dominionists for Tancredo" totally have a hit out on you?
Warning: Spreading Homosexual Cults Idolizing Mainstream Media Tramp
Rowr! Saucy!
I actually prefer the other photo as well. And of course, I staked claim to the first "I'd hit it" over at Cynics' Party, before I got to this post.
Mea culpa, but I'd still.....
(I think the beaver is wearing a codpiece)
Oh and what mw(dwsuwf) said; don't forget the str8s!
@taber: The tags on that post are a meal in themselves.
For everyone else: Follow that link! You will not be disappointed, or your click will be refunded.
Aw, so cute! I will definitely follow you over at Cynic's Party.
Fight on, Generalissimo.
oh god another blog...
see you there...
@nojo: My favorites are "Reparations for Negroes," "acts of perversion and perversity," and "large unexplained abdominal mass."
Hey, anyone that can hold the Eiffel Tower in the palm of their hand probably has supernatural powers that best be heeded.
I has the fearz.
You're adorable! Don't worry about the other pic, Jasm. No one looks particularly great when you take a picture of them drunk (definitely not me, anyway). Now about that pic of the bf's ass...
@taber: That. Is. So. AWESOME!!!
@homofascist: You're such a cutie!
Thanks so much for your leadership excellente.
Where you go, we'll follow.
HFA Forevah!
Now, will someone please e-mail the link to the Homofascist Army blog to Jonah Goldberg so that he'll stroke out? Pretty please??
ZOMG!!!! I just read that Dominionists for Tancredo page and holy fucking shit.... that man is a genius. That was literally some of the funniest crap I've ever read in my life!
If I hadn't already had a long, drawn-out exchange of "ideas" with that joker, I'd swear that whole page was a brilliant ruse. But alas, I think he may actually be real. Here are my two fave paragraphs -- totes hilare!:
"This ‘homofascist’s army’ is clearly a Cult of secular, atheistic homosexuals seeking to recruit more people to their despicable and perverse lifestyle. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find illegal mexicans and islamofascist behind this trickery and deception.
"But at the moment, my prayerful inquiry leads me to suspect that “homofascist” is none other than this Nick Denton himself. These amoral secular humanists have no bottom to their deceptions and treachery."
Um... sorry, honey. I've BEEN in the HFA barracks and I can tell you, there are quite a few "bottoms" for treachery and deception -- and some hot tops too!
OMG Paris! Going there next weekend to drink with a friend who has either been pregnant or breastfeeding for the last five years. I'm totes going to take the same pic.
It wouldn't matter if your first name was Shaved or Waxed or even Gignormous....
just as long as you're the best Cox ever!
Looks like Rev. Hipple is truly one of us.
Here's another culled gem, replete with gratuitous Kittie-boobs. (I gotcher Fair & Balanced right heahh !!)
Blogroll, immediately!
I just snuck a peek over at the wank. Poor Jim. He's being invaded by the humorless vadgenazis.
On a thread about the Elf and his queen, some Jezzie Kuchitard excoriated people for making mysoginist comments and short jokes.
Something similar happened on another thread about Chelsea Clinton.
I'd hit it.
But you have terrible taste in pinups. (why all the International Male cheesecake?)
putting up your actual picture did nothing to change my mind about wishing i were a gay man.
what a hottie you turn out to be!
the response you got from LAyME, prompted a vicious attack on him from me on the heath thread bomb...check it out.
he is some putz. i had an idea about appealing to their advertisers. that's a tactic that will really sting. yeah, it was fun telling kenny off, but i'm in for bringing them down, while we have the same fun with our people over here and megan's blog.
i've ordered the frette linens and goosedown bedding for the girls and the gays, still have no idea what straight men want. never did.
xoxo baked-armed and dangerous, at your service.
i'm confused, as usual.
the post i wanted you to see was on megan's goodbyepost....pissing on layme and addressing their advertisers.....
i was right the first time, i'm tired and possibly a total idiot.
the post i wanted you to see IS on the heath ledger post.
see you at HQ.....have a great weekend general hotstuff.
See, I knew it! Homofacist is a cutie!
So much for being a name and an avatar. Welcome to the intertubes Jason.
Worse name ever is Michael Hunt.
You're welcome to hang out in the Toronto Area.
After Layne's letter i'm rethinking my post strike Wonkette views.
Dominionists for Tancredo has already put Cynics' Party on their Demon Alert list. Perhaps by next weekend, with a bit of effort, it could make it to the Terrorist Watch list! (Sorry I've lost my snark, working on it.)
i love you, i love you, i love you. now where's that hate-filled rant against laye and denton you promised us?????
It's two in the morning, and I've got a bottle and a half of red flowing through my veins so I thought I'd make my speech to my fellow soldiers.
I'm happy to see a new project for Megan. I'll be by despite my misgivings about apostrophe-sensitive blog titles.
After a week's time to soak it all in I do feel kind of silly. I'm happy that Megs, Greg and homofascist have moved on to bigger and better, but I still have a soft spot for Jim. I'm likely to end my strike (at least for Jim posts). I wish everyone the best. Now to polish off that second bottle
@ecd: I can't speak for the Homintern, but I think formalities, if not hostilities, have ceased — we had a wild week, and now there's a new home for those of us who think the old one reeks of cat piss.
(An apostrophe-burdened home, perhaps, but a hammer could take care of that and leave the English language unharmed. Plural works as well as possessive, cadres.)
We DID have an impact this past week. Please see the page views, especially Wednesday's. Compare them to the week before (not counting the weekends, which are always low).
@Miss Expatria. J'adore Paris! Les hommes la sont tres sexy!
@Jason. Sorry honey. It wasn't so much hate-filled as just kind of bitchy. I'm not Rude Pundit (god bless his filthy soul).
@Baked. The idea to go after Gawker advertisers has been in my mind all week, but I just couldn't pull it together. I think it is the next step that makes sense if folks are interested. Part of me is open to the idea but would need to enlist some help rounding up contact info. But the other (and probably more significant) part of me just would like to focus my energy on creating something new and being positive. Crazy I know. I guess I am hoping that whoever is spending their money and placing adds at Gawker is going to be paying attention to the sites. But I am sure I am once again being naive.
and of course, adds = ads.
re: what do the str8t men want: You can pretty much never go wrong with titties and beer. But for higher-class dudes like those in the HFA, I'd caution that the titties be real, and the beer be Czech.
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